本课程借用《大河之舞》介绍了美国的踢踏舞。( ) Who was the man that led Britain in the crisis of the Second World War?In recent years, Ireland 点我阅读全文
自20世纪80年代以来,文化旅游逐渐成为现代旅游业发展的主流之一。 ( )Over the past one thousand years, the British ______ has been broken only once b 点我阅读全文
本课程借用《爸爸去哪》节目内容推介了哪个国家的风光? ( ) London was UNESCO’s first City of Literature.Kissing the Blarney Stone 点我阅读全文
本课程借用《哈利波特与混血王子》电影推介了哪个景点? ( ) Glasgow was recognized as a UNESCO City of Music in 2008.Irish people 点我阅读全文