










1 Teacher’s Pet means the pet which a teacher keeps


A 对

B 错





2 I’m a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight I often____


A hunt an owl at night

B stay up





3 Hit the books means to beat the books hard


A 对

B 错





4 We’re going to dine out to celebrate this evening, because my roommate passed CET-6 with flying____


A flags

B colours





5 He has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat in the City So he’s a bit of a high-flyer So he is____


A successful

B on airplane a lot





6 When we say somebody only goes to the library once in a blue moon, we imply that he seldom goes to the library


A 对

B 错





7 Choose the best translation of “give him an A for effort”


A 给了他一个A

B 因为努力给了他一个A

C 老师承认他为此付出努力

D 给了他一个A以示鼓励





8 She’s _________ the moon about her progress She really wasn’t expecting to get an A on her paper


A on

B in

C over

D above





9 If something is a “drag”, that means it is unpleasing or depressing


A 对

B 错





10 ________  is about work and means to have a lot or too many duties to perform, or too much work to do at one time


A To have a lot in one’s mouth

B To have a lot in one’s bag

C To have a lot on one’s plate

D To have a lot on ones leg






1 Choose the best translation of “You have really left me high and dry”


A 你真的给我一种“高冷”的感觉。

B 你真的让我孤立无援了。

C 你真的把我留在这又高又干的地方了。

D 你真的把高而干燥的东西留给我了。





2 To land a job means to get a new job


A 对

B 错





3 Roll one’s sleeves up implicates ________


A to exposing the arms

B turn one’s sleeves upward

C to prepare to get to work

D to be ready to take action





4 Which of the followings means a large sum of money?


A penny-ante

B penny wise

C penny pincher

D pretty penny





5 Which of the following phrases can be translated into “生活富裕过得很阔气” ?


A live high off the hog

B get on one’s high hog

C on a high horse

D get off one’s high horse





6 You paid only one hundred dollars per month to rent that apartment ? That was ____ bang for your buck


A more

B really

C the most

D true





7 Low-paying jobs are _______ but it’s hard to find a good one


A a dime a dozen

B a dime and dozen

C a dime and dozens

D dimes and dozens





8 The car was so expensive! I can’t afford it, and I don’t want to break the _____


A bank

B band

C card

D road





9 The phrase “burn a hole in one’s pocket” is usually applied to money, suggesting that the person with the money feels the need to spend it quickly


A 对

B 错





10 It’s time to roll up your _______ and get the job done


A collar

B sleeves

C carpet

D tablecloth






1 Girly girl is a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl


A 对

B 错





2 I guess I don’t have much of a            Every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn in my backyard but all I ever get is a lot of weeds


A greenhorn

B green thumb

C green hand

D green power





3 When you are in a situation where you make a plan as you go, you’re ”           ”


A playing it by ear

B playing it by score

C playing by the book

D playing it safe





4 Mary resented always       to her older sister


A playing second fiddle

B playing first fiddle

C playing hard

D playing ball





5 She says he led her astray, but it


A takes two to tango

B takes two to make a quarrel

C takes two to cooperate

D takes two to talk





6 Stubbornness is what made it impossible for Paul and Barnabas to            concerning their relationship with John Mark


A work out fine

B work out the problem

C work things out

D work out a compromise





7 Aunt Sally is a traditional English game usually played in pub and fairgrounds in the 17th Century We can use this idiom to express the meaning that someone becomes the target of public criticism


A 对

B 错





8 When someone says they have to “face the music,” it means they are going to a musical performance or concert


A 对

B 错





9 He must learn to          his medicine


A ask for

B take

C make up

D buy





10 When you hear good news, or just news that makes you happy, you say something is ”        ”


A music to your ears

B talking my ear off

C all eyes and ears

D in one ear and out the other



