跨文化人力资源管理 智慧树答案2024版100分完整版



第一章 单元测试



In         , strategic and operational decisions are decentralized to the separate business units and management within the individual countries.



multi-domestic strategy


international strategy


global strategy

答案  multi-domestic strategy


believes that local nationals are in the best position to work in the branch companies. Local culture and customs are highly respected.



The ethnocentric policy


The polycentric policy


The Geocentric mode

答案  The polycentric policy


are the employees who are not from home country/host country but are employed at subsidiary or corporate headquarters.


A Home country employees

B Host country employees

C Third country employees

答案  Third country employees


We adopt        to analyze the external environment of an organization.


A SWOT analysis

B PESTEL model analysis

C Five Forces Model

答案  PESTEL model analysis


What are the objectives of HRM?


A Help the organization to carry out the corporate strategy.

B Provide high-quality employees for the organization and improve their productivities.

C Create a better working environment and a flatter and more flexible organization capable of responding more quickly to change.

D Increase staff turnover and absenteeism.

E Build greater employee commitment to the organization.

答案  Help the organization to carry out the corporate strategy.,Provide high-quality employees for the organization and improve their productivities.,Create a better workingenvironment and a flatter and more flexible organization capable of responding more quickly to change.,Build greater employee commitment to the organization.


What are the differences between international and domestic human resource management?


A The employees are different.

B The responsibilities of HR department in a multinational firm are more complex.

C The management environment has changed

D The organization locations are different

E The business strategies are different.

答案  The employees are different.

,The responsibilities of HR department in a multinational firm are more complex.

,The management environment has changed,The organization locations are different

,The business strategies are different.


Human resource management viewed employees as a cost and regarded payment and coercion as the major motivational methods.


A 对

B 错

答案  错


Human resource management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.


A 对

B 错

答案  对


An American MNC which has a subsidiary at India employs a French person as the CEO to the subsidiary, the Frenchman employed is a home country employee.


A 对

B 错

答案  错


The strategic human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in an organization, so that it helps the business to gain the competitive advantages.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

第二章 单元测试


In cross-cultural training process, social adaptation can be affected by a number of factors including culture distance, communication and individual variables, such as       .


A interactions with the host culture

B eagerness to go back

C interactions with home culture

答案  interactions with the host culture


For companies in high power distance cultures, top managers often prefer to use subjective decisions to assess       .


A jobs

B time

C people

答案  people


Culture is made up of basic assumptions and       , policies, procedures and behavioral conventions that are shared by a group of people.


A beliefs and values

B habits and hobbies

C living conditions

答案  beliefs and values


In the high uncertainty avoidance cultures, jobs are defined in specific details avoid ambiguities. Dynamic work assignments are not preferred but        are often favored.


A long-lasting job requirements

B short-term job requirements

C unsure requirements

答案  long-lasting job requirements


People in high certainty avoidance country, such as Japan, often have        systems linked to seniority and internal equity.



centralized systems


decentralized systems


fixed systems


flexible systems

答案  centralized systems,fixed systems


In collectivistic or high power distance cultures countries, promotion decisions is basically

made more on     than task-related outcomes.


A in-group favoritisms

B harmonious interpersonal relations

C teamwork facilitation

D loyalty and positive attitude towards superiors

E competencies

答案  in-group favoritisms,harmonious interpersonal relations

,teamwork facilitation

,loyalty and positive attitude towards superiors


According to Edward T. Hall, culture is like an iceberg, 10 percent of which is to observe, understand and repeat.


A 对

B 错

答案  错


In high uncertainty avoidance culture, like Japan, external recruitment is preferred to internal recruitment.


A 对

B 错

答案  错


In cross-cultural training process, language can have a important impact on social adaptation.


A 对

B 错

答案  对


Hofstede proposes culture is like an onion, having a set of four layers and each layer is independent from each other.


A 对

B 错

答案  错





